Tinker Verve

creating with spirit & enthusiasm…often with great results

Sunday Inspiration!

This bit of inspiration is coming late in the day because it’s been a full and very wonderful day.  I’m actually going to share a few points from our service today at church where Mr T did a great job of delivering an inspired sermon.

Embracing A Life of Service

1) I was created to serve: Ephesians 2:10 {we’ve been gifted to serve} we must recognize that we are significant 1 Peter 4:10 {the abilities I have are meant to be a blessing to others}

2) Serving others is one of the ways I serve the Lord: Colossians 3:23-24 {do all as unto the Lord – doing it for the ‘least of these’ means doing it directly for Christ}

3) My service is needed by others: 1 Corinthians 12:27 {together we are one body} Galatians 6:10 {be kind to all, especially other believers}

4) Serving makes my life meaningful!: Mark 8:35

5) I will be held accountable & I will be rewarded for my service: Romans 14:12 {we will all give an account} John 12:26 {the Father will honor} Matthew 25:23 {I want to hear “well done…enter into the joy of the Lord”}

There was no excuse to leave this one wondering what it meant and how can I apply it to my life…I am personally challenged and maybe as I pass it on, you can also feel challenged.  I would desire that each one of you may ‘enter into the joy of the Lord’.

We are currently pastoring the church where I spent my childhood.

We are currently pastoring the church where I spent my childhood.

These 3 crosses were built next to our church in memory of my grandfather.  He was a part of this church from the time he became a Christ follower and he actually built this building we are meeting in.

These 3 crosses were built next to our church in memory of my grandfather. He was a part of this church from the time he became a Christ follower and he actually built this building we are meeting in about 37 years ago.

This is a picture of the mountain where I live.

This is a picture of the mountain that I live on. We are nestled in that dense grove of Tamaracks. You can see the roof of our shop.

October 19, 2008 Posted by | home life, Sunday Inspiration! | 5 Comments