Tinker Verve

creating with spirit & enthusiasm…often with great results

camera woes!

My camera recently got smashed –

this can be a tragedy for an avid blogger!

…not sure how it happened.  I was transporting things home from a show.  That is always pure craziness anyway so I have no explanation for myself.  Mr T gave it to me for my birthday just over a year ago and I was so sad to see the screen broken (on the inside).  I recently picked up this beautiful camera that I just can’t seem to make work. 🙂

Good news though…Mr. T just happens to have an extra one that I can borrow/have and while cleaning out our rental this week I came across a brand new camera…looks like it only ever took one pic.  (let me tell you, this past renter owes me A LOT and it gives me just a slight amount of gratitude to help myself to this camera…even if the pixels are low).  I would also love to keep an eye out for a great camera that isn’t too expensive.  I would love to hear feed back if you love your camera for posting blog pics. (it seems that’s mostly what I do with mine)

October 8, 2008 Posted by | blogging, Uncategorized | 3 Comments