Tinker Verve

creating with spirit & enthusiasm…often with great results

Friendships!…new & old ~ or should I say, seasoned!

This week I had two gals add me to their blogroll…little ‘old me!  Thank you so much sweet friends!

Jennifer Paganelli and Diane Knott

They both happen to be fabric designers (amongst other things) which makes it all the more exciting for me.  I check out blogs everyday, mostly to find bits of inspiration – I so appreciate these ladies taking the time to look through mine, finding it inspirational enough to add to their own sidelines.

Way to step up the comments! I love reading each and every one.  My mom has even entered the comment realm here.  WOW!  that was a big step for her – she is now an official part of this community!  Welcome.

I’m sending you these ‘friendship’ scans, as a thank you – You can help yourself to them if you want to use them in some creative way!

I would love to have each one of your over for tea.  With the # of views I had yesterday, that would be quite a crowd…but I know  that I have enough beautiful cups & saucers for each one.  😉


I just received a call from my sweet-16-girl and she won the Where’s Waldo dress-up competition for her class as part of Spirit Week today.  I had a little part in that (thank you very much!).  I was at an open house at the school last night and the whole time I was there I was thinking about how to make her a red & white striped hat.  Once I got home and found the right stuff I think I had that hat done in about 15 minutes.  Too much fun!  I just wish I had a pic.

October 21, 2008 Posted by | free vintage images, friends, home life, Thank You! | 5 Comments